Datatype property used in BioteaReification to object property, class and datatype property in SIO
bibo:doi, bibo:pmid, bibo:issn, dcterms:identifier SIO_000671 (has identifier) SIO_000115 (identifier)
bibo:abstract SIO_000008 (has attribute) SIO_000188 (abstract)
bibo:edition SIO_000308 (edition number)
bibo:issue SIO_000942 (numerical label)
bibo:numPages SIO_000178 (page total)
bibo:pageEnd SIO_000953 (page ends)
bibo:pageStart SIO_000943 (page starts)
bibo:volume SIO_000309 (volume)
bibo:shortDescription, dcterms:description SIO_000136 (description)
dcterms:created, dcterms:issued, prov:generatedAtTime SIO_001314 (date of issue)
dcterms:title SIO_000175 (title)
foaf:accountName SIO_000116 (name)
foaf:familyName SIO_000182 (last name)
foaf:givenName SIO_000181 (first name)
foaf:name SIO_000183 (personal name)
rdf:value SIO_000628 (refers to) SIO_001073 (text span)