Ontologies used for representing annotations
Ontology |
Purpose |
Main elements used in Biotea |
Annotation ontology |
Annotation |
ao:Annotation, aot:ExactQualifier, ao:body |
Link to biomedical ontologies |
ao:hasTopic |
Link to RDFized publication |
ao:annotatesResource, ao:context, ao:onResource |
Biotea |
Frequency |
biotea:idf, biotea:tf |
Open Annotation |
Annotation |
oa:Annotation, oa:hasBody (with a oa:TextualBody) |
Link to biomedical ontologied |
oa:hasBody (with a direct link to the ontological concept) |
Link to RDFized publication |
oa:hasSource, oa:hasTarget |
Provenance, authoring and versioning ontology |
Provenance |
pav:authoredBy, pav:createdBy |
Provenance ontology |
Provenance |
prov:generatedAtTime |